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Calculating the imaging scale Β (magnification)

Für telezentrische Messobjektive oder Makro-Objektive wird im Normalsfall keine Brennweite angegeben, mit der man rechnen und zur Auswahl der Optik benutzen könnte.
Diese Objektivtypen werden durch den Abbildungsmaßstab ß (beta) charakterisiert. Er ist sehr einfach zu errechnen.

Calculation of the reproduction scale with the help of image and object size

ß= y´ / y

Note: Even when using the drop-down lists own values can be entered. Please use the first entry "user def."!

Sensor size:
Object size/ field of view in mm:

Calculated reproduction scale ß:

We respect your privacy: we do not store any input, results or recipients. Send yourself your calculation with your own email program (MailTo-Link).

Attention: Calculated imaging scales beyond 100 are declared unrealistic (an object field which is 100x smaller than the sensor surface is rather unlikely in industrial machine vision). Extreme values are nevertheless displayed.

Calculation of the magnification using focal length and object size

Also for entocentric lenses it is possible to calculate the magnification or imaging scale. this value changes for any working distance, which leads to problems in measurement applications.

(The estimation of this measurement error can be calculated here: "Calculating measurement errors caused by height variations".)

ß = f´ / ( a - f´)

Note: Even with drop-down lists own values ​​can be entered. Please select the list entry "User def."!

Focal length:
Working distance in mm:

Calculated reproduction scale ß:

We respect your privacy: we do not store any input, results or recipients. Send yourself your calculation with your own email program (MailTo-Link).

Attention: Calculated imaging scales beyond 1 are declared unrealistic. Working distance must be greater 2* focal length.

Further details on optical calculations can be found in chapter Optical basics.

Kalkulation Beleuchtung industrielle BV

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