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Planning and realization of applications

Projecting machine vision applications

Before a machine vision project can be realised, a variety of questions must be clarified. The described workflow is an example of the implementation of a larger project that is entirely outsourced. Often the procedure described here is an iterative process until an affordable and feasible compromise is found.
An exact project planning by the client includes a number of first steps right from the beginning:

An exact project planning by the client includes a number of first steps right from the beginning:

  • Recognition of the need for investment
  • Definition of a time frame for realisation
  • First budget planning for financial investments
  • Analysis of in-house resources

Very often the end customer is not fully aware of which tasks can be solved using image processing and which ones cannot. Here it is necessary to give some helpful advice to identify the opportunities and limits of technology. A first specification is defined.

A thorough pre-evaluation of the integrator will help the end user and also the system integrator to avoid disappointments and surprises.

Typical next steps are:

in order to prove the general feasibility. The requirement specifications will be further developed together with the customer and serves as the basis and functional specification for a quote.

Commissioning: the hot phase on site

For the purpose of commissioning, the following steps are taken after thorough date arrangements and resource planning:

  • mechanical integration of the system into the plant and
  • programming and configuration of the system.

Final acceptance and operator training

The final acceptance and operator training is the final step. The plant will be handed over to the end user. Service and maintenance complete the package and ensure system support over a long period of time.

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Projektierung von Inspektions- und Prüfsystemen