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View through opening and interfering contour - Calculating the distance or diameter

"Normal", entocentric lenses all have a fixed opening angle: as the working distance grows, the field of view increases. Often the inspected object must be monitored through an hole or other interfering contours. If the disturbing aperture is not large enough or too close, the image will be blocked at the edges.

Hint: Please specify field of view / object size as diagonal!

A typical example is the opening of a dome light, coaxial light or ring light, wher you want to look through. The maximum possible distance to the bottom edge (!) of the interfering contour can be calculated with this tool.

Calculating the working distance to the aperture with known diameter

Total working distance to component in mm:

Diameter of the opening, hole of the ring light, dome, etc.:

Total field of view / inspection area as DIAGONAL in mm:

Max. working distance from camerato the opening (bottom edge!):

We respect your privacy: We do not store any inputs, results or recipients. Send your calculation with your own email program (MailTo-link).

Calculation of the required diameter of an opening at a known distance

Total working distance to component in mm:

Distance from camera to bottom edge of the opening, hole of the lighting:

Total field of view / inspection area as DIAGONAL in mm:

Minimum needed diameter of the opening (bottom edge!)

We respect your privacy: We do not store any inputs, results or recipients. Send your calculation with your own email program (MailTo-link).

Kalkulation Beleuchtung industrielle BV

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