This term covers a wide range of optical and mechanical properties that are of particular interest depending on the application. Ultimately, there is always a trade-off between price/performance and optical quality.
As camera sensor pixel structures become smaller and smaller, the use of high resolution lenses has become extremely important.
Sometimes the combination of a camera with larger sensor pixels and a lower resolution lens is a more attractive solution. Try it out!
High quality optics must always be matched to the camera, its image sensor and its intended use.
Measurement applications, colour inspection, IR inspection, robotic applications or simple presence detection all have different optical quality requirements.
It is also important to consider the pixel size of the camera sensors used. Modern sensors such as the SONY Pregius S (4th generation) have pixel sizes of around 2.7µm. High-resolution lenses are essential here. is a private, independent, non-commercial website project without customer support.
For the best advice and sales of machine vision lenses please click here.
(external link partner website in Europe - All listed lenses can be ordered here)